Muvico: $1 Million Invested in BayWalk Location


As one of Downtown St. Pete’s major tenants, Muvico has proven their commitment to the ‘Burg by investing $1 million at their BayWalk location, including adding a 21 and over area showcasing indie films. With traffic down significantly, take a moment to see what’s playing.


Muvico CEO Neil Bretan gave iLovetheBurg the rundown on the key improvements they’ve made to their BayWalk 20 location:

1) The Gallery:  A long overdue alternative to The Beach Theater for Downtown St. Pete, Four theaters have been converted into a 21 and over area, serving beer, wine and cocktails and featuring independent cinema from around the world. Not to mention brand new comfy leather seats.

2) Installing the latest IMAX Film technology that includes 3-D capability.

3) Adding 3-D capable projectors throughout the remaining theaters.

4) Installing automated ticket machines.

5) As we reported earlier, replacing the carpet that used to smell, um, kind of stinky.

Hoping everyone might get out and see a movie this weekend, here’s a link to what’s playing. And if it’s "date night" or if you’re just looking for something outside the norm, and for the big kids only, check out Sundance 2010 winner, Winter’s Bone, now playing.


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