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New indoor virtual golf lounge, Golfology, opening this summer in St. Pete

New indoor virtual golf lounge, Golfology, opening this summer in St. Pete

rendering inside a golf simulator lounge
Rendering via Rob King

Approximately 54 golf courses exist in and within 20 miles of Pinellas County. Of those, the majority are private for club members only, none offer golf after dark, and while Florida has renowned year-long sunshine, sudden rains and hot temps can wash away your plans for 18-holes. Cue Golfology, a golf simulator, opening this August in St. Pete at 2400 5th Ave S.

Golfology is owned and operated by Rob and Tamara King. As an 8-year Army veteran, Rob explains that the military doesn’t give you a lot of time to consider how to transition your skills to new hobbies when you retire from service. “Golf has been a great outlet,” says Rob. “Resilience being a big part of golf, a skill transferred from the military.”


If you are active or retired military, you bet Rob and Tamara have discounts and perks for you, albeit TBD at the moment. Other developments are in the works, too. Dedicated leagues, per chance. Local PGA pros coaching in-house were hinted at. But I’ll stem the tease there. More hard factoids about Golfology below.

rendering of 6 bays for an indoor golf simulator.
Rendering of Golfology’s interior, featuring a lounge, and 6 bays equipped with Trackman golf simulators. Rending courtesy of Rob King.

Here’s some factoids, specifications, and bonuses, golf-fans

Golfology has 6 bays/rooms, each approximately 350 square-feet. Those bays are all fitted with Trackman simulators, the gold standard technology, which use radars, lasers, and cameras to provide unparalleled accuracy. Since your shots are accurately tracked, you can work out kinks in your game. Need to perfect the RPMs of that back spin? Get data returned to you after every stroke.

With the simulator, you hit golf balls directly into a projector screen that displays the course of your choosing. This last bit is clutch, because you can play an iconic course from around the world, or multiple, right from the bay at Golfology, on any given day. Trackman boasts 299 courses to date, 51 tour venues, and an average of 3 new courses are added monthly.


Additional bonuses of simulator-golf at Golfology include, but are not limited to, the following: a mistake won’t lead you on a cuss-filled detour, whacking brush with your club, searching for an errant ball. Bonus. Beat the heat: work on your golf stroke, not heat stroke—summer’s frick’n hot here, guys. Health bonus. No alligators on the fairway. That’s a bonus, maybe. You don’t need to wait for the drink cart to get a cold beverage, and you can order food from Bayboro Brewing next door and they’ll deliver it to you. Double bonus.

Golfology has us eagerly awaiting their grand opening. And when they do open, it’s going to be with style: a block party, baby. Follow Golfology on Instagram, and check with I Love the Burg for updates on the official opening date.

Rendering of golf bays. Rendering via Rob King.


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