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Fertilizer ban, water restrictions to observe in St. Pete this summer

Fertilizer ban, water restrictions to observe in St. Pete this summer

a local water way with greenery in the background

St. Pete’s yearly fertilizer ban has returned and runs through September 30. Increased rainfall in the summer months can cause nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizer to reach water bodies and lead to environmental issues like algae blooms, fish kills, and water quality problems, according to a release from the city of St. Pete.

St. Pete residents are encouraged to follow these eco-friendly tips courtesy of the office for sustainability:

  • Refrain from using fertilizer June 1 – September 30, per Pinellas County’s fertilizer ordinance. More information about the ordinance can be found at
  • Treat lawns with a slow-release fertilizer in the spring.
  • Pick up any debris or vegetation near storm drains year-round to keep it from entering local waterways.
  • Follow a no-mow zone 10 feet from any water body, helping to establish a protective barrier.
  • Make sure their lawn maintenance/landscaper is certified for Green Industries Best Management Practices. Verify at
  • Replace some or all of the lawn with Florida-friendly and/or native plants.

More information can be found online.

Water restrictions across the city of St. Pete

Additionally, water restrictions are in place through July 1, 2024. Watering with potable (City) water, water from private wells, or private connections to surface water sources (lakes, ponds, etc.) is restricted according to property address number as follows:

  • Addresses ending in an even number are permitted to irrigate, if necessary, on Saturday only.
  • Addresses ending in an odd number and locations with no address are permitted to irrigate, if necessary, on Sunday only.
  • Irrigation is allowed from 5am to 9am, or from 7pm to 11pm
  • Wasteful and unnecessary water use is prohibited. An example is using water to clean driveways and impervious surfaces.
  • Hand watering of non-lawn landscape is allowed any day at any time if needed.
  • Hand watering of lawn/turf is allowed ONLY during designated watering day and times. An automatic shutoff device (AKA hose nozzle) must be installed on the hose and used at all times.
  • Micro-irrigation (low-flow or drip irrigation) is allowed any day at any time if needed. Water wise use is requested.


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