St. Pete invites locals to “Dream Big” with inspirational MLK Day campaign

A child standing next to an art project
Photo courtesy City of St. Pete

The Sunshine City is turning into a city of dreamers this winter. The City of St. Pete announced the “Dream Big” campaign today, an initiative aimed at inspiring youth and celebrating the legacy and impact of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The two-fold campaign will roll out in multiple ways, all with the intent of spreading inspiration through dreams for individuals and the community. Pop-up installations now through early January will allow anyone to write on a postcard and share their dreams “for a more just and united community.”

The Dream Big campaign has already started with St. Pete’s youth, as the City has partnered with Pinellas County Schools on a wide-reaching artistic endeavor that will be on display during the annual MLK Day Parade on Monday, January 15. Classrooms throughout St. Pete have already received one of eight extra-large letters to spell out D-R-E-A-M B-I-G, and students will spend the last few weeks of 2023 decorating their individual letters and discussing Dr. King’s dreams.

When combined, the City says, the letters will create a united piece of artwork displayed in the parade, as well as in posters shared with businesses, residents, and community organizations. The dreams of St. Pete’s youth will be on display throughout the winter, including February for Black History Month.

For all citizens, the Dream Big cards will begin popping up around town throughout the holidays. Whenever you happen upon an installation, you’re encouraged to write down your dream and add it to the wall. You can also send a virtual dream here.

“Together, let’s build a tapestry of dreams that reflect the collective vision of a united and thriving community,” the City’s release said. “Your aspirations contribute to the rich fabric of St. Petersburg’s future. Let’s honor Dr. King’s legacy by dreaming big and working towards a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow!”


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