An Ice Cream Party for the Entire City of St. Pete

Featured image courtesy of @jonsicecreamdrive on Instagram

What are you doing to celebrate your birthday this year? A nice dinner with friends and family? St. Pete resident, Jon Boyd, is celebrating his 26th birthday by throwing an ice cream party… for the entire city of St. Pete.

Because everyone deserves a special day

On May 29, Boyd has rented out an ice cream truck to hand out cones to as many people as he can in the city. Why? Because he wants to give back to the community he loves. In turn, he’s asking that we help him raise donations for Birthday Candles for Kids. It’s a West-Central Florida based non-profit that throws birthday parties for homeless and foster children in Pinellas County.


The USF St. Petersburg alumnus originally started the GoFundMe page for “Jon’s Ice Cream Drive” with a goal of $400. In four days, the donations tallied up to over triple that at $1,335. Want to help push it even farther? Click here to donate and for updates on the event.



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