Vibrant new murals look to raise awareness for mental health services in Pinellas County

YOU GOOD? is a brand new mural campaign that is beautifying businesses in St. Pete with new public art by local artists.

Recent additions to the campaign include a vibrant mural by Leo Gomez on the side of Beau & Mo’s (2924 5th Avenue North), and a gorgeous mural by Jimmy Breen at Sunshine Kitty Catfe (1669 1st Avenue South).


Mural by Briauna Walker at Operation Par, via SHINE Mural Festival

A unified message of support in Pinellas County

“My latest mural — We Rise by Lifting Others. In collaboration with You Good? Pinellas and SHINE St. Petersburg Mural Festival,” wrote Leo Gomez in a Facebook post. “Huge thanks to Jenee Priebe for including me in this project and continuing to make public art a voice for our community.”

The YOU GOOD? Behavioral Health Campaign aims to create a single, unified message that communicates the availability of and access to support, resources, and assistance for people dealing with mental health, behavioral health, and substance abuse issues. The goal of this campaign is to saturate Pinellas County with one common contact point for all mental health, behavioral health, and substance abuse issues.

The Campaign seeks to normalize authentic feelings and experiences and offers support and resources to people in Pinellas County, no matter what they’re going through. Together, we can leverage this campaign to raise awareness, destigmatize the conversation of mental health, and provide a cohesive message of unity, support, and understanding to everyone who is struggling to cope in Pinellas County.

You Good Mural by Jimmy Green featuring pink leaves and yellow smiley faces
Mural by Jimmy Breen at Sunshine Kitty Catfe, via SHINE Mural Festival

Get involved with the YOU GOOD? campaign

Learn more on the campaign’s website.

Organizations and individuals working in and around wellness spaces are encouraged to participate in the YOU GOOD? Campaign.

Contact Julie Rocco at 727.440.7970 or


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