Dr. Alex Tauberg provides 4 easy at home workouts to help you stay mobile and relieve pain

Chiropractor demonstrated an at home work out to assist with mobility

Working from home all the time, or spending more time at home in general can be a bit of pain – both mentally and physically. Working from the bed, the couch, and/or a makeshift home office can put a strain on your back and neck. I asked my friend, and former roommate at Eckerd College, Dr. Alex Tauberg if he had any advice for folks looking for simple exercises and tips to relive pain.

Here’s a few tips from an expert:


The following should not be considered medical advice and is for educational purposes. You should consult with a physician before performing exercises to ensure they are right for you.

The current lack of activity combined with sitting for long periods of time can lead to feeling stiff, sore, and even cause pain. The solution is to try and stay active and mobile. Activities as simple as going for a walk or doing daily stretches can help you stay out of pain. So with all things considered I would say it’s a good time to get on a regmin to keep your body moving. Here is a quick list of 4 easy to do at home exercises that can help you stay mobile, active, and hopefully pain free. 


Cervical Retractions

To combat neck injuries cervical retractions strengthen the seldom used deep neck musculature. The great thing about this exercise is you can do it while in your truck. To perform sit up straight. While keeping your head in an upright position tuck your chin in as much as you can. Hold this position until you feel mild fatigue then release. Perform 3 sets of this exercise in a row. 


Lumbar Bridges

Lumbar bridges strengthen the main stabilizers of the core and the low back. They can be used to help prevent future injuries as well as to reha past ones. To perform a brіdgе: Lіе on thе ground and bend thе knееѕ, рlасіng thе fееt flаt on thе floor hір-wіdth apart. Prеѕѕ thе fееt into thе floor, kеер your  аrmѕ bу your sides. Rаіѕе the buttocks off the ground untіl thе bоdу fоrmѕ a straight lіnе frоm the ѕhоuldеrѕ tо thе knееѕ. Hold this position while engaging your core and buttocks. Hold until fatigue and perform 3 sets in a row.


Bird Dogs

Bird dogs are another great exercise for strengthening the core and low back. The great thing about this exercise is that you are training your body to stabilize while going through a dynamic movement. 

To perform properly: Assume the quadruped  position (on all fours) and contract your core. While holding this position slowly extend one leg back and the opposite arm forward while keeping your hips level and spine stable. Return to the quadruped position and then repeat with the other arm and leg. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. 


Towel Assisted Cervical Mobilizations

This one is great for loosening up a stiff neck but you don’t want to over do it by rotating to far or pushing too hard. This maneuver is easy to perform and works similar to how an adjustment works. The idea behind the hands on adjustment is to get joints moving better and to loosen up the areas around the joint. This is the same thing that happens with self-mobilization maneuvers. Take a normal sized bath towel and fold it up width wise so that it stays long. Place the towel over the back of your neck. Rotate your head to the right side.  Then grab the towel. Right hand grabs the left side of the towel and left hand grabs the right side. Right hand should be over the left.  Then pull down on the towel using your left hand . Use your right hand to pull the other side of the towel across the side of your neck/head. Gently use the right hand to increase the amount of rotation you get to the right side. Hold for 10 seconds. Gently let off this position and return to your normally rotated position. Now keep the towel taught but gently rotate your head against the towel. Don’t let the towel or your neck move. Hold this for 10 seconds. Repeat this sequence 3-5 times. Then do it to the left as well.


Dr. Alex Tauberg D.C. Spent a decade of his life living in the St. Petersburg area while he went to  Eckerd College and the National University of Health Sciences for undergraduate and graduate school. He loves the area dearly and returns often.  He is currently a Pittsburgh Chiropractor who serves the Fox Chapel & Oakmont Areas using an evidence based manner to get people out of pain and back to enjoying their active lifestyles. 

Follow Dr. Tauberg on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram for more tips and workout recommendations.


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