Boyd Hill Nature Preserve is a birder’s paradise in St. Pete

a trail at a nature preserve
Enjoy a scenic walk, trail run, or birding adventure at Boyd Hill

Get out those binoculars bird lovers. The St. Pete Audubon Society is hosting its 1st annual “Let’s Go Birding” event at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, 9am-12 pm, April 20, where you can observe the residents that make Florida a tropical paradise: the birds.

According to the Audubon Society, “spend some time on the trails and learn about birds and bird watching! This special event is hosted in partnership with the Friends of Boyd Hill Nature Preserve. Guests will encounter various stations along the trail and get to participate in fun, interactive, and educational activities.”


The beautiful trails at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve offer ample opportunity to engage with nature

The Boyd Hill Nature Preserve is located at 1101 Country Club Way South, St. Petersburg, FL, 33705. The event is free with price of admission to the preserve: $3/adults, $1.50/children ages 3-16, and free for children under the age of 3.

a white owl perched on an arm
Raptor Fest 2024 at Boyd Hill

Check out the Audubon Society of St. Pete here.

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