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Aug 11 is ‘Stache Your Friends Day!

Aug 11 is ‘Stache Your Friends Day!


On Wednesday, August 11, the Dali Museum is marking the day as the "Stache Your Friends Day." Become an instant Dali look-alike by simply sporting a mustache just like Salador Dali’s. You can make or draw one on your own or come to the Dali Museum on August 11th between 11AM and 4PM and have in-house mustache painters do it for you or buy yourself a mustache. The more surreal, the better!


What’s more, every one with their ‘stache at the event will be entered to win some cool prizes from the Dali Museum.

If you can’t make it to the event, you can upload a photo of yourself and your stache to the Dali’s Flickr account. Upload your favorite Daliesque or Surreal mustache photos to Flickr and add the unique tag "stacheyourfriends" to get included in our group gallery at The Dali folks will post their favorites on their Facebook album for everyone to vote on! The picture with the most "likes" will win an awesome prize.

Photo courtesy of  Dali Museum


Photo from one of the biggest supporters of iLovetheBurg, Signature Susan


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