USF St. Pete Grad Launches Longboard Company

Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity, because if you're passionate about something, then you're more willing to take risks. – Yo-Yo Ma 


There's a new business arriving in the Burg. Started by recent USFSP graduate Brianna Enders, Breezy Boards is a longboard skateshop featuring designs created by local artists. Her first line of longboards, Adjective Dragon, features work by Cameron Miller, Bettie Bam Bam, Dylan Haught, Deanna Marinello and Kelly Owen. 

Enders has been skating since she was 10 years old. She got her first taste of the sport down a hilly parking lot in Maryland. After her first ride, she was hooked. "My wonderfully amazing parents were supportive of my infatuation with the sport and continued to have Jeff Yarrington, also known as Bozi of the now-folded Bozi Boards, artisan and creator, make me custom boards throughout my life, which I always had a huge sense of pride for the boards that he made me."

Enders' maintains that pride in the craft today. Living in Venice, Florida, and attending an open-air high school allowed her to practice her passion wherever she went. Her mother shared her enthusiasm and helped Enders begin visualizing her new business.  "She wanted it to be something referencial of barefoot skating because I always skated without shoes . . . she even had a logo conceptualized." After some bad news it seemed that dream might not happen. "My mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer my sophomore year of high school, in 2007, and was told that she wouldn't see me graduate from Venice High." 

She passed in the summer of 2013. Her mother's strength and creativity continue to influence Enders. "I hope to inspire people, bring them together, and support people through the formation and continuation of my business as a reflection of the lessons and values that my mother instilled in me."

Florida may be a rather flat state, but Enders and other riders have found slopes and hills in the Sunshine City to continue honing their craft. Curious riders can see what Breezy Boards is all about Friday, May 13 beginning at 8pm during the company's official launch party at World of Beer . . . just five days after Enders graduation from USF St. Pete. 

The young entrepreneur plans to continue collaborating with up and coming artists for her next line of boards. She hopes Breezy Boards can serve as a platform for other creatives to pursue their passion. Residents can expect art contests, board galleries and more in the future. "I plan to organize a pop up art exhibit that highlights the behind the scenes process of creating the debut Breezy Boards collection, Adjective Dragon: ideation, the art contest enteries, final selections/template designs, shredded and skated boards, as well as a photo gallery of the artists with their artwork/dragon board and insight into their creative process while creating their dragons." 

The girl on the longboard's new business is a wonderful reminder of the growth St. Pete has experienced. The Burg is attracting visionary residents who have the heart, courage and work ethic to make it a reality. Learn more about Breezy Boards on their website

Be sure to read The Crow's Nest's feature on Breezy, too. 

Click HERE for more information on the launch party Friday, May 13. 


Photos via Breezy Boards


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