After 6 years in operation, Brocante Market will officially end. The organizers announced that the last of their monthly, weekend-long vintage markets would be held in December 2019.
“It has been 6 years of pure vintage magic, and we have been truly grateful for every moment. You are our extended family, and tonight we have some news that we want to share with you,” wrote Celesta and Sean Carter in a Facebook post. “This December 2019 will bring our final market.”
Time to focus on other passions
The pair decided it was time to take a step back on focus on their family and other passions. While Brocante may only take place over a couple of days every month, it takes weeks to put each massive shopping event together.
They operated the popular Paper Street Market in the EDGE District until mid-2016. Since then, they’ve operated Brocante in addition to their two full-time careers.
The building that houses the Bracante Market at 2200 2nd Avenue South was recently purchased by local real estate investor Phil Farley, but the couple say that purchase did not factor into their decision to end the market’s run in 2019.
Building to become a mixed-use facility
“The timing is perfect, really, because we are ready to move on and he has a great vision for the space,” said Celesta Carter in press release. “Ultimately, the building will be a mixed-use facility that houses artists, retail and even restaurants.”
Brocante Market takes place the first Saturday and Sunday of every month and features 15,000 square feet of antiques and vintage goods.
Keep up with the final events by following Brocante on Facebook and their website.