SPC Planetarium to Host Solar Eclipse Viewing Party

If you love scenic views, St. Pete is the city to live in. North Shore Park, Lassing, Demen’s Landing and Weedon Island offer premier views of the Burg’s cotton candy clouds, golden sunrises and starry evenings. On August 21, the entire nation will experience at least a partial eclipse. St. Pete College wants to help starry-eyed residents enjoy the best view possible.

Eclipse viewers and telescopes with solar filters will be available in the “quad” area of the St. Petersburg College St. Petersburg/Gibbs Campus, east of the Natural Science building, near the south entrance of the West St. Petersburg Library.


The science building is accessible from 69th Street at 5th Avenue North. Parking for the library is accessible from 67th Street at 9th Avenue North. The party takes place from 1:15-4pm. Learn more on the school’s Facebook event page.


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