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Ashtanga Workshop: Subtle Body

July 20 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm


Date: Saturday, July 20. And eight sessions of Saturdays, July 20, 2024 through August 16, 2025
Time: 10:00am-12:30pm
Cost: $1,000 Series | $150 Individual (in-person and virtual). Apply here. For payment inquiries, email Jade Skinner at practice@sacredjade.yoga

Are you a devoted student of Ashtanga interested in exploring the intricacies of the Ashtanga Method?

A daily practice requires discipline and hard work, physically, mentally, and emotionally. It also engenders a deep curiosity. How do we transition in and out of a pose? When? Where is the breath? And most importantly, why?

BE Ashtanga Director Jade Skinner has developed a series of mini-workshops to unpack the complexities of this labor of love, layer by layer. Starting with the “why” behind the practice, we’ll explore its subtleties of movement and the impact those subtleties have on your overall practice. We’ll discuss and workshop the ‘secret’ to floating in and out of asana.

Each session of this 8-part, year-long series has a different focus. We begin with the Subtle Body, a journey into the 5 koshas (sheaths) within every body. We start with the gross physical layer and move down to the deepest layer of our beings. This workshop will uncover the individual role that each sheath plays in our practices.

This schedule will give you ample time to put into practice and absorb what you have learned before diving into the next topic. Join us for individual workshops, or save $250 when you register for all eight in advance.

July 20: Subtle Body
Aug 17: Sthira Sukham Asanam
Oct 19: Foundational Poses
Nov 9: Led Practice vs Mysore
Jan 18: The Ritual of Vinyasa
Mar 1: The Art of Floating
May 17: Peek into Intermediate Series
Aug 16: The 7 Headstands

The Body Electric Yoga Company

3015 7th St N
St. Petersburg, FL 33704 United States