Boyd Hill Offers Program for Preschoolers


Now that the big kids are back in school, here’s an idea for keeping those preschoolers occupied.


Boyd Hill, the 245-acre award winning nature preserve just minutes from Downtown St. Pete hosts a weekly program for kids aged 3-5 called Jungle Boogie.

Every Wednesday and Thursday from 11:15am to noon, the cost of each session is $2.50 and includes a story, discovery walk, dramatic play, crafts and possibly even an animal encounter!

If you are looking for an all-ages fun way to see the preserve, jump on a “Tram Tour”. These are held daily Tues-Sun at 1pm and Sat. twice a day at 10am and 1pm. If you have a large group (over 5 people) call ahead and arrange a private tram tour. 727-893-7326

The city-owned Boyd Hill Nature Preserve is open Tues-Sun, 362 days a year (closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day). For directions and full details check out their website at

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