Everyone has a story to tell. Here at Book + Bottle, one of our priorities is telling stories that mean the most to us: How our favorite books changed our lives, the history behind a great bottle of wine, the story of how our shop came to be. And we want to help YOU tell the story that makes you tick. We’re bringing in an expert to bring your unique story to life. Maybe you have a story you’ve been dying to tell. Maybe you aren’t quite sure what your story is yet. Either way, this workshop is for you.
Memoir is a craft of transcending your personal lens into a universal message. In this session with L.L. Kirchner, you’ll explore memoir in a way that will help you find your story’s beginning, middle, and end. Not only that, but you’ll be given techniques that turn great ideas into fabulous full-length books. Sometimes this can feel daunting, which is why memoir is a difficult genre. But L.L. Kirchner knows how to make it fun! Be prepared for writing exercises and group discussion in a safe and supportive environment.
About the Instructor: L.L. Kirchner is an author and award-winning screenwriter whose life and work as an expat in Asia became the basis of two memoirs including the recently released Blissful Thinking: A Memoir of Overcoming the Wellness Revolution, and her previous title, American Lady Creature: (My) Change in the Middle East. A Qatar Memoir. A book critic, essayist and reporter, her writing has appeared in The Rumpus, Salon, and The Washington Post among numerous other outlets. Previously the editor of the literary magazine Ducts, she has taught memoir for the New York Writers Workshop, Keep St. Pete Lit, and in numerous workshops online. More at
*Ticket does not include a book. Copies of L.L. Kirchner’s book Blissful Thinking: A Memoir of Overcoming the Wellness Revolution will be available to purchase at the event!