The play 1959 Pink Thunderbird is comprised of two hilarious one-act performances, Laundry and Bourbon and Lone Star, centered on a Vietnam veteran’s return home to Maynard, Texas, in the early 1970s. The show gives a laugh-out-loud look into marriage, brotherly love, and the slow-paced kind of lifestyle that existed in a small West Texas town during that time. While each act follows its own through line, the character relationships cross over to create one complete story that leaves little room between laughs. The hottest thing to hit Maynard, Texas was Roy in his 1959 Pink Thunderbird. Roy and Elizabeth marry after high school and still dream of those summer nights in the T-Bird. Hattie and Amy bring catty tension to an afternoon filled with Laundry and Bourbon, a one-act with the girls’ side of the story.
In Lone Star, the boys’ version, Roy and his brother Ray tie one on outside Angel’s Bar. Roy’s different since his return from Vietnam and the night takes a wrong turn when Cletis shows up with horrible news.
The 1959 Pink Thunderbird is full of road dust, but it sure was a sweet ride years ago.