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Memory Mornings

May 1 @ 9:00 am - 10:30 am


Memory Mornings is a FREE program for those living with dementia and their care partners.

Memory Morning participants will receive a 45-minute private tour of the Chihuly Collection before opening hours, followed by a 45-minute guided art activity inspired by one of the glass pieces in the Chihuly Collection. Memory tours meet every other Wednesday at the Chihuly Collection, located at 720 Central Ave in St. Petersburg from 9am – 10:30am.

We look forward to sharing a meaningful connection with you at the Morean through art!

Max group size is 8 students with 8 care partners,16 total per program.

If you are unable to attend, please give the Morean Arts Center at least 24 hours notice, so that someone else may register.

Memory Tours:

9am – 10:30am, Wednesday, April 3

9am – 10:30am, Wednesday, April 17

9am – 10:30am, Wednesday, May 1

9am – 10:30am, Wednesday, May 15

9am – 10:30am, Wednesday, May 29

*These tours are offered FREE of charge thanks to our sponsor.

Chihuly Collection

720 Central Avenue
Saint Petersburg, FL 33701 United States