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It’s a Wonderfully Weird Life

November 16 @ 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
I know it has been a devastating week for so many and it’s hard to think about the holidays with the long road to recovery of our community, but if anyone needs something light-hearted and fun to look forward to in the coming months, this post is for you. 💖
Artists will be showing artsy, odd, and unique Christmas ornaments for this fun event at @thepotionportal! We’re getting a head start on the Christmas season on November 16th, so come enjoy a festive evening filled with art and arcade games in a fun, retro-themed environment!
Featured artists:
And me! @AmberSparkleArt
If you’re into gifting, remember you can support small, local businesses and give something truly meaningful and made with love when you give the gift of local art to the special people in your life! And if you’re not into gifts, feel free to just swing by and make some wonderful memories with us!
Flyer/event title inspired by one of my favorite movies of all time – It’a a Wonderful Life! It’s a somewhat dark but hope-filled, sentimental movie with a great message. “No man is a failure who has friends.” I’m so grateful for all the artists and friends who make my life wonderful.